Risotto with Asparagus
One of the most popular vegetables at least for spring time – asparagus. Always looking for new recipes I found this risotto made with asparagus and a bear’s garlic pesto. A combination of two of my favourite ingredients. Just prepare the double quantity of the pesto so that you can use it lateron for other dishes.
Risotto with Asparagus
2014-04-23 20:46:32
Serves 4
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
35 min
Total Time
45 min
- 18oz green asparagus
- 1/2 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt
- 5 tbsp white vine vinegar
- 1 onion, 2 tbsp butter
- 7oz rice for risotto
- 17 fl.oz.vegetable stock
- 7oz creamcheese (bear's garlic or herbs)
- 2-4 tbsp bear's garlic pesto
- pepper
- For the pesto
- 2 bunches of bear's garlic
- 1.8oz ground almonds
- 1.8oz ground Parmesan
- 1.6 fl.oz. olive oil (appr. 4 tbsp)
- pepper, salt, 1 dash of sugar
- Wash asparagus, cut off ligneous ends and cut into 1/2 inch pieces. Heat water in a pan and give in sugar, salt, vinegar and asparagus. Let cook at low heat for about 5 minutes. Remove asparagus, rinse with cold water and put aside in a colander.
- Peel onion, cut in small dice and sweat in hot butter without taking on colour. Add rice and swing until all rice grains are enwrapped with butter.
- Deglaze with some vegetable stock, reduce heat and go on cooking while stirring constantly and adding stock successively. When rice is done add cream cheese, pesto and asparagus. Fold in carefully and let reboil once. Flavour with salt and pepper. Serve immediately.
- Wash bear's garlic for your pesto. Cut off stipes. Give bear's garlic and almonds in a bowl and mince with hand blender. Stir in Parmesan and olive oil and purée again. Season with salt, pepper and sugar.
Bastelesel https://www.bastelesel.de/