Advent wreath

Adventskranz5This kind of advent wreath will need some space and goes best with country style furniture or on a roofed terrasse. Then the candles should be replaced by glass candle holders. The rack is made with three birch tree logs being 4 feet long and having a diameter of 1.5-2 inches. Just beneath the upper third the logs are tied with a strong cord which is hidden behind a large felt bow and a pine cone. At their bottom the birch logs are bolted together with thin branches giving the rack its firmness. Decorate an advent wreath with candles and other holiday accessories and place it between the birch tree boles at the top. A wooden Christmas tree and two firewood angels standing beside a further candle are completing the arrangement. After Christmas you may use the rack for a spring or Easter decoration.

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  • Rustikaler Adventskranz/Advent wreath/Couronne de l’avent

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