

Summer feeling – yarn tassels are the best way to express that kind of feeling. Marine colors are always scoring but pastel-colored tassels match the Indie Look quite well. If you don’t know exactly how to make them just have a look at this video.

2017_Tassel2The quickest way is to use a simple yarn thread to hold the tassel and to make a chain with it. Use a sliding knot to change the length of your string. Use a fork to wrap small tassels of about 3cm length. For the bigger ones cut a piece of cardstock mesuring 6-8cm x 10cm and wrap your thread around the short side. Don’t be afraid to do some more work and add two further threads to the first string and start braiding on each side. Join the braided strings in the end and wrap them tightly with a seperate thread.  If you love it even more sophisticated you can attach your tassel to a perl string in matching colors. The quick solution, just for one summer season, will be the single thread with a sliding knot.

2017_Tassel3Choose some single pearls or pearl caps to decorate your tassels. If your little pendants get distortet or crumpled simply hold them under running water and let them dry suspended. You’ll get high quality bead yarn in countless colors in every well sorted embroidery shop. Thus you’ll be able to create a tassel pendant matching with each of your summer outfits. Thanks to the sliding knot you may even wear it with a long or with a short string. Due to missing sunshine I couldn’t take any pictures when wearing my handmade tassels. I’ll catch up on this within the next days.


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