Easter table setting
The main colors of this Easter table are orange, yellow and light green. Little paper bags were glued in a way that they’re looking like carrots. Take some orange paper or card stock and follow the instructions of my November post. Before closing the carrot glue in a piece of green paper cut in stripes. Marked with the name of your guests they’re lovely place cards. The paper napkins with a tulip print are hold by a pair of bunny ears. At the site of artzy creations I saw them in felt but changed them a bit and chose card stock paper instead. Here’s the free template for download.
The center piece is a large paper mache egg filled with a nice Pomponette (bellis). Further flowers are presented in two ways. One is a yellow large daisy placed in an empty egg sitting in a little boxwood wreath. Small Easter eggs are hanging in some boxwood and buttercup branches. Using some red and yellow food coloring I made the water of the vase match with the table decoration.
Tea light holders placed in tulip muffin wraps offer some glimmering shine to the Easter table.
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- Ostertisch/Easter table setting/Décoration de table pascale