Advent calendar – PartIII

Adventkalender12 This is one of the calendars that needs a little bit more time but good planning and maybe a little help will allow you to finish it until December 1st. You’ll need 24 papercups to hide the candies, some Christmas papers and pink, red and white cardstock. The templates for coat, hat, face and gloves are to be downloaded here. I’ve just started and marked the No. 1 on a small sack which is glued between the gloves. A star or a Christmas ball looks nice too. Border of the hat, point and gloves are decorated with some wadding. I’ll place the 24 gnomes together with some origami Christmas trees on a tray or on a windowsill in the living room. When the candy’s taken away our little fellow will walk to the kid’s room. Thus they will see in one room how many days are still left until Holiday and in their room how many days have already passed by.

For all who don’t have time: Stars with numbers in red and blue to download for free. The complete body and hat of the gnome is available as a free template at, find link for a printable pdf beneath Valentina’s pictures.


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