The One Plus One

Moyes2A wonderful novel written by Jojo Moyes. It’s best for a lazy moment on your balcony or at the beach.
You need to be very optimistic if your daughter’s only chance for a qualified education at a private school consists in attending a maths competition. That’s just how it is for Jess and her highly skilled daughter Tanzie. They’re living in a small house together with Nicky, Jess’ adopted son and Norman the enormously stolid dog. The kid’s Dad is gone leaving them without any money but Jess tries to survive doing several small jobs like cleaning or serving in a pub. Naturally money is always short and following Murphy’s law they live through a never ending series of disasters. One night then Jess meets Ed Nicholls a successful software engineer. In his job he’s facing major difficulties after one single blindfold activity and worst case given he’ll even have go to jail for it. During their attempt to bring Tanzie to the maths competition Jess and Ed come closer and everything could be quite easy if Ed hadn’t been that drunk when meeting Jess at her second job in a pub.
A bit wacky characters in small town and a story that doesn’t seem to be too devious. A lovely reading for sommer making you feel happy even for little amenities.




Pumpernickel bites

Pumpernickel – a typical German dark bread made of whole grains and coarsed meal of rye. The grains have to be soaked overnight to become bakable. It’s usually baked without any ferment and therefor has to stay in a steam-filled oven 16 to 20 hours. A laborious procedure for your oven. I hence prefer these little bites of pumpernickel. You can garnish them in hundred different ways. I never had any leftovers whenever they were part of a buffet. Today I’ll show you some layered with cream cheese, perfect for summer.

Pumpernickel bites
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Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
35 min
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
35 min
  1. 7oz cream cheese
  2. 7oz crème fraîche
  3. 1 tbsp milk
  4. 2 spring onions
  5. 1 red pepper
  6. salt, freshly ground black pepper
  7. 25 pumpernickel bites
  1. Wash pepper, cut in quarters and take off the seeds. Clean spring onions, trim the roots away and cut small rings.
  2. Place pepper quarters on a baking sheet and give into the 390°F preheated oven for 12-15 minutes until the skin is blistering.Remove from oven and peel off skin when they're completely cool. Cut them into little dice afterwards.
  3. Mix cream cheese, milk and half of the onions and blend until creamy. Season with salt and black pepper.
  4. Give cream into a piping bag with a large nozzle and decorate on pumpernickel bites.
  5. Place the bites on a plate and sprinkle with remaining onions.
  1. If you don't want to blister the peppers yourself you can easily take pickled red peppers.
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  • Pumpernickeltaler/Pumpernickel bites/Rondelles Pumpernickel

Seaside table

Stranddeko6Whether it’s for teatime, a barbecue or a nice dinner with a friend. This decoration will make you feel being near the sea. Take a waterblue table cloth or like me a simple placemat as a base for placing shells in the center of your table. There should of course be some light too. First I took a wine glass filled with sand and shells. The golden tea light hanger makes the light twinkle even more. The second version is a jar filled with water, sand, shells and a swimming candle. The last proposal is with a flat bowl filled with sand, small pebbles and shells too. Here I took some shell candles instead of a tea light. A simple glass vase with a cornflower or a giant daisy will complete the center piece. The napkins are folded like boats. The instructions are to be seen on youtube. The one for the boat in front here and the one for the boat in the background here. The blue and white stripes just emphasize the marine look. Now just have a seat and relax.

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  • Maritime Tischdeko/Seaside table/ Table maritime

Costal decoration

Muscheldeko1The inchies felt lonesome on my terrace and I still had a large collection of shells collected last year. Furthermore we had collected some birch branches in autumn and braided little wreaths with them. I simply twisted some sisal around and fixed shells and other finds of the sea on it with hot glue.
Some other shells were assembled as fish which I saw first on the site of mommo-design. Small circles of white paper made the eyes. I glued these fish on raffia ribbons which are weighed down with pieces of driftwood or other things I found on the beach.
Now there’s only missing a seaside center piece for my garden table. Suggestions therefor will follow.

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  • Muscheldeko/Costal decoration/Décoration maritime

Beachfeeling at home

Muschelbild3This summer I’m holidaying at home but don’t want to miss my beachfeeling at all. Browsing in the web I found a lovely idea on which I tried myself immediately. You don’t need too many different materials: a stretcher frame (or some white card stock framed with corrugated board), white card stock, light brown corrugated board, felt, sisal, sand, small stones, shells, ribbons and other things remembering sea and beach. Spread some glue on your frame and cover it with sand. After a few minutes of drying you can easily take off the superfluous sand. Cut white card stock, corrugated board and felt into inchies. Cover all white inchies with sand or color sand (white and pale blue). Then glue little shells, sisal, yarn and other smal things on your prepared inchies. You can place them in geometrical order ot simply mixed up on your frame. I placed a buff bast ribbon on the edge of the frame which is fixed with a knot and decorated with a small shell.

Muschelbild1    Muschelbild2