Archive for December 2014 | Monthly archive page


This traditional cake for New Year doesn’t need a new recipe. Simply take a sweet yeast dough and perpare it as usual. Let rise until its size has doubled. Then divide into 6-8 portions. Form two rolls from each portion and roll snails from both ends. (see picture) Cross both snail rolls in the middle […]


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Merry Christmas

According to a proverb joy and cheerfulness add zest to a good meal. This can of course be applied to a Christmas dinner. I wish you, my readers and crafting followers, inspiring and cheerful conversations with good friends to make the festive days succeed effortlessly.    

Angel napkin

Before Christams little elfes, Christmas trees and stars are my favourite decoration. For Christmas Dinner however I want them to be accompanied by angels. To be honest I didn’t find any napkin folded like an angel I really liked. Most of them are hardly to recognize as such. So there had to be done some […]

Instructions for Christmas tree

Here we are with the template and the how-to instruction for those lovely Christmas trees. It’ll look best if you cut two sizes of the trees (see second line on template). The pictures of my galery will show step by step how they are folded. To “close” the tree use simple glue, when choosing double […]