Angel napkin

Serviettenengel1Before Christams little elfes, Christmas trees and stars are my favourite decoration. For Christmas Dinner however I want them to be accompanied by angels. To be honest I didn’t find any napkin folded like an angel I really liked. Most of them are hardly to recognize as such. So there had to be done some experimenting and cutting work at home. This version now looks nice when it’s standing either on the table or directly on the plates. The starting point is a “mainsail” that has been altered with some further folds so that the wings will fit. (Modification step by step beneath the pictures of my galery) The wings are cut either of translucent or golden paper. It’s easiest to fold the template in half, adjust it along the break line of your paper, draw it and cut it out. Pull folded napkin sidewise through both slits starting with the lower one and turn it so that the skirts’ pleats will show to the back. Softly tear apart the upper end of the napkin to obtain the silhouette of a head.

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  • Serviettenengel/Angel napkin/Serviette “aile d’ange”

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