Archive for the ‘In the kitchen’ Category

Lovely Guys

I agree, he’s a bit plump and didn’t fasten properly the buttons of his jacket. Besides he looks a bit like Barbapapa and not as a typical “Weckmann” (Breadman made with yeast dough). But well the taste, yeah the taste is as expected sweet and mellow. Just right for breakfast and for tea we will […]

Kitchen beauty

We offer help for all those who must realize this morning that their face still looks grayish though they already took of their Halloween costume.Reading the blog of Stefanie Heikmann I found several instructions for body and face peelings. One of them, consisting of ingredients I had in my kitchen, I tried immediately. As it […]

Baked Cheese

For summer evenings we like to join around our barbecue, in winter however we prefer a fondue. This is only worth it if you invite at least some friends but not for two persons only. We love it however and last year we discovered soft cheese that can be baked directly in its splint box. […]

Homemade Crispbread

Crispbread, ideal base for a light supper. Just add some lettuce, cheese, cucumber, tomato and ready is your delicious sandwich. In a collection of recipes from Dr. Oetker I found the one for crispbread. I could hardly believe that the bread done at home would be as crispy as the one bought in a grocery. […]

Candied Walnuts

Hamster, mouse and squirrel have arranged their winter stock and I hope they left some nuts for us. I specially love these crystallized walnuts which normally we only get at Christmas markets. I found the recipe on and every time done I have to portion them in order to avoid eating the entire quantity. […]