Archive for the ‘> Baking’ Category

High Heels

Ta-da! Here they are, our High Heels for tea-time. Even those who usually prefer sneakers or loafers will love these wunderful shoes. They’re made of cupcakes, big size ladyfingers, wafer rolls, butter or mascarpone cream and of course lots of cake toppers and colored sugar. I decided for a set of rose and lilac decoration. […]

Asparagus once again

May 1, in many countries a public holiday, is often used for hiking and cycling. In doing so people often stop for a lunch and for dinner then prefer something that is quickly prepared. What about asparagus served with a fresh May Punch.  

Easter Bunny

 For all those who love to offer sweet bread for breakfast and want to do something special for Easter. Instead of baking it in a baking pan simply take small portions of your yeast dough and roll them. Make a knot with each of the rolls and shape the ends like the ears of a […]

Fruity Fried Eggs

Good Friday will put an end to the donkey’s fasting period and the first thing I’m going to prepare are some fried eggs for the Easter Tea Time. Looking through the site of Dr. Oetker I found a wonderful recipe which is quickly done. If even this is too complicated for you then simply buy […]

Pastry Flower

A crafting fair and removal activities detered me from showing how to make such lovely bread or pastry flowers. I’ll do that right now. It’s possible to make them with a yeast dough or a shortpastry. In both cases you have to make balls in the desired size (here 1″) and cut them with your […]