There’s nothing special with these potatoes. They just succeeded being mentioned because I had to cook them already today for my tomorrow’s post. The main ingredient of many recipes in a German food magazine called “Gugelhupf” is actually our beloved potato. I was specially attracted by a picture of a cup cake filled with poppy […]
Archive for November 2013 | Monthly archive page
While fabricating your Advent calendar you should already look for little gifts that fit. Boys and girls will love these colorful zipper bracelets. I just prepared three bracelets with different pendants. Dog and ball are attached with removable carabiners while the green heart (remainder of a necklace I once made) is fixed with a chain […]
Girls love gifts – boys do too. That’s why today I want to show you another calendar apt for boys/men or others you want to make happy. It all depends on the selection of your paperboard. I chose three different ones. The green one looks a bit like a Christmas tree giving the impression of […]
There’s not even a month left before the advent season. That means a lot of work for me to get ready with all the advent calendars to be prepared. This year my proposal for a nice girly calendar is a white heart to be used as a card holder later on. The little gifts may […]
I agree, he’s a bit plump and didn’t fasten properly the buttons of his jacket. Besides he looks a bit like Barbapapa and not as a typical “Weckmann” (Breadman made with yeast dough). But well the taste, yeah the taste is as expected sweet and mellow. Just right for breakfast and for tea we will […]