Autumn roses


Autumn has arrived and with it all the wonderful colored leaves, pumpkins and different nuts. For my decoration however I wanted to take something else as a center piece. It was just by chance that I found the video instruction for lovely roses made with florist felt strips. These strips are available in different sizes from 3-10 cm. I chose a roll of 4cm wide felt and cut a strip of 1m for the red rose. The brown one is made with a smaller strip. I didn’t even use the florist wire to fix my flower. I just inserted the end of the strip at the backside of the flower and sat it down in some moss.


These little roses are made with 3cm wide strips only 30cm long. They’re cut from traditional crafting felt sheets. Put them on a small birch wreath or directly on your table cloth. If you need a decoration just for one day then you may take natural leaves to go with your roses instead of felt leaves.


A further use for these flowers is to take them as a napkin holder. Cut out a paper leaf to put the name of your guests on it. Small and flimsy feathers go well with the flowers too. I like the contrast between the felt’s dense structure and the rather delicate feathers. It’s best to prepare some roses and just play a bit with accessories mostly available at home.


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