(Deutsch) Adventskranz
No German household without an advent wreath. The traditional one is made of fir branches but nowadays there are many different sorts of wreaths. I bought the white willow wreath already last year but they’re still available in deocration shops. Like the one for my rustic candle holder the decoration idea derives from the book of Christophorus Verlag. You can buy readymade wooden stars or saw balsa wood stars yourself. I colored the borders in a dark brown making them look more vivid. Both, stars and cones are attached with the help of a hot-melt gun. Before glueing them in my wreath I twisted a manila ribbon with litlle stars around. The wreath is lying on a flat round wooden plate having a diameter a bit larger than the inner circle of wreath. The four candles are placed with wax candle fitting pads on this wooden plate. In between I put some fir, pine and yew trees. When these get dry they simply need to be replaced by fresh ones. Thus you’ll have the fresh odor of conifers until Christmas.