
Scheinbeere1The gift of a real good friend – and without any accessories this wintergreen with its red berries is a bright spot in these dark winter days. The indecidous shrub decorates itself with bright red berries and develops a lovely red brown coloring of its leaves as long as it gets enough sunlight in winter. It can be cultivated in pots as well but to keep its berries it has to be watered regularly. A half shade place guarantees the continuous development of new berries. If necessary the wintergreen should be cut short after blooming but never the withered flowers because they’re bearing the future berry. No manuring (preferably rhododendron manure) from July to August/September thus giving new sprouts the chance to mature and withstand frost.
With good care the berries will stay the whole winter through so that you can decorate it successively with autumnal or Christmas accessories. I’ll show several different decorations in my gallery. The instructions for my self-made imps and dwarfs will follow in the next posts.

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  • Scheinbeere - Wintergreen

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