Rustic Light
A Christmas light, quite natural and yet very impressive. The original one is proposed in a book entitled Weihnachts-Deko Natur. I chose the birch tree star instead of a square-cut wooden board. The birch branches and twigs were given to me by a lovely friend but you may also take other branches for decoration. The center of my candle holder is a birch branch of 12 -14 inches wiht a diameter of 2.5 inches. It has to be fixed on the star or wooden board with a dowel. Therefor you need to drill a hole of the dowel’s diameter in your branch and also in your board. Then place dowel with glue in your board and put birch branch on top. The smaller branches which are fastened round the birch branch have a length of 11 – 15 inches. It’s not necessary to mesure them exactly because the different length and bending causes a more natural impression. Their fixing is a bit difficult so that I fastened them with an elastic strap before winding a manila ribbon with little wooden pearls and angels around them. On top of the birch branch I placed a little jar for a tea light which is also decorated with a colored ribbon and a wooden star. Another wooden star is pending from one of the smaller twigs. Some cones placed a the bottom of the branches make it perfect.