St Nicholas’ boots
We’re looking forward to Christmas season but there’s some projects that simply need some more time to be well prepared. This year it’s my St Nicholas’ boots project. When I was young we had some red plastic boots which we placed in front of our bedroom door on St Nicholas’ Eve to find them filled with chocolate and other goodies the next morning. During the last years we more and more adapted the english tradition of hanging Christmas stockings but we’re hanging them up on St Nicholas’ Eve replacing the ancient boots. For a group of girls sharing a flat I decided to sew some fashionable boots perfectly made to be hanging at a stair rail garland.
Fold your fabric in half, left sides out and cut out the pattern twice. Sew both parts together and cut seam allowance with pinking shears to avoid unravelling. Turn your boot to have the rigth side out. The top of the boot leg may be seamed or edged with a cotton ribbon. We chose a 4cm wide red ribbon that needs to be folded in half lengthwise. Cut a piece of ribbon corresponding with the boot leg’s circumference with 1cm seam allowance. Close your ribbon to a round and put it over the edge of your boot leg. Fasten with a backstitch.
If you want to hang your boots you need to add a small loop. Take a piece of your edging ribbon or just another kind of woven ribbon matching with your fabric. Sew it to the boot leg’s rear seam. You may as well sew your boots manually if you don’t habe a sewing machine. Choose a matching or contrastive thread and sew with a buttonhole stitch on the right side of fabric.
Fill your boots with little sweets and other goodies. If you want to realise a lite version then for example choose nail varnish, nail files, a foot balm and more – all you need to care for your feet.