Overnight oats


I must confess that usually I’m waving aside all recipes mentioning oats. That’s because they always remember me stomach ache in childhood and oat meal soup. Reading about overnight oats and wonderful recipes made me curious and I tried them more than once already.
Milk, yoghurt and different fruit are always available in our household. Just bought oats and flaxseed for baking bread. Just the chia seeds I didn’t have but they were available in our health food store and among the bio products of a larger supermarket. The seeds are rich in fibers, proteins, vitamins, mineral nutrients, iron, calcium and magnesium. If you suffer from flatulence or stomach ache start with small quantities of the seeds and drink sufficiently. The seeds may absorb liquids in a multiple of their own weight and cause constipation.

Overnightoats2For my first attempt I mixed 40g of oats with two tablespoons of chia seed and added 100ml of milk. If you prefer it softer then take 120ml of milk. Layer some chopped haselnuts on top. Half a banana, some blueberries leftover from a dessert and a hand full of grapes. Cut the banana in pieces and the grapes in halves. Disperse some dessiccated coconut on top to sweeten the mixture. Then close the lid of your glass and put it in the fridge over night. The next morning you’ll get everything you need for a start into the new day. Oats are delivering lots of fibers, they’ll sate and prevent your level of blood sugar from increasing too fast. Furtheron they’ll provide  unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamin B1 and calcium. Nuts and fruit will provide further vitamins and mineral nutrients.
You’re free to choose nuts, fruit and liquids you like for your overnight oats. Mixed with yoghurt they’re a bit too firm after my fancy. In the meantime I tried two further mixtures: banana, mandarin orange, grapes, walnuts and banana, apple, kaki and chopped almonds. In the morning I’m always too tired and lazy to prepare a fresh muesli that’s why I love this form of preparation the night before. The next morning I’m delightfully spooning my healthy power breakfast. This will, with all its ingredients, hopefully help me survive during the hard days of carnival.


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