Strawberry roses for Mother’s Day


Only a week left until we’ll celebrate Mother’s Day next sunday. Most of all mothers don’t expect gifts or anything else but just wish their families to think of them and maybe prepare a nice day.
What about a very special bouquet of roses for breakfast? You only have to buy some fresh strawberries which are not too small the day before. With a very pointy knife petals are carefully cut into the strawberries. I found a very detailed instruction on the site of They look very nice in a little vase.


Another possibility is it to place the roses in a mini muffin paper cup and put it directly on Mum’s plate. Just add a little bow and a paper banner and here you are with a very nice table setting for Mother’s Day.


If you want something more you can even make a little paper purse containing a small chocolate candy. You’ll find a free purse template here. It looks very cute if you choose cardstock matching with your dishes.


It’s best to fix the candy on the bottom of your purse with a small stripe of double sided adhesive tape. Thus the purse can be moved without losing its candy.


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