Candied Walnuts

WalnutjHamster, mouse and squirrel have arranged their winter stock and I hope they left some nuts for us. I specially love these crystallized walnuts which normally we only get at Christmas markets. I found the recipe on and every time done I have to portion them in order to avoid eating the entire quantity. Mix 3.3 oz of the sugar with the other ingredients and let rest for about 20 minutes. Then give the mixture on your baking tray, disperse carefully and bake in the oven at 360°F for 20-25 minutes. Stir almonds and mix again with melted sugar 5 minutes before the end of baking time. Then take out the tray and give the remaining sugar over the almonds. Stir again, let cool down, fill into a nice bowl and then enjoy your marvel.
It will only take you half an hour to candy your almonds and they are a perfect gift for someone you really like. Fill them in a cellophane bag and attach the printed recipe with a ribbon.

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  • Kandierte Walnuesse - Candied Walnuts

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