Five days already without cake and any baking activities in my kitchen. It’s hard but the nice weather makes me forget about it and in addition I’m rescued by the fresh herbs in our garden already growing now. That’s why today I had some curd cheese with wood garlic, parsley and chives served with potatoes […]
Archive for March 2014 | Monthly archive page
Lent – for many of us a good reason to think about their own impairments. I’m always getting weak with desserts and lovely cakes. That’s why I tend to resist to them as far as possible. Unfortunately I forgot the fact that I will spend less time in my kitchen and accordingly have less baking […]
Carnival in North Rhine-Westfalia – it’s all over on Ash Wednesday. Enjoy it and celebrate with the crazy people around.
Looking for a nice wrapping of a gift certificate or an invitation? Well, then this little purses will be quite right for you. They’re not expensive at all and you can make them even if you don’t have any cardstock or designed paper at home. Simply take one of the magazines you have available and […]