Archive for the ‘In the kitchen’ Category

Apple pillows

For all those being quite curious after my yesterday’s introduction I’ll post the recipe for apple pillows right now. The dough makes 10 midsize pillows and exactly following the instructions will guarantee success. The slider at the end of the post will show it step by step. Dough: 250g wheat flour 1 dash of salt […]

Muffin roses

A sweet yeast dough baked in muffin cups – you’ll love them even if usually you’re not muffins’ best friend. All those who fear to make a yeast dough should really try this recipe. With 250g of flour you’ll get 12-14 depending on the thickness of your shaped dough. Dough ingredients: 250g flour 1 egg […]

Scampi appetizer

The original recipe on was to be prepared with mangos but unfortunately those available in our food stores were still unripe and too hard. That’s why I simply changed the recipe and took some persimmon instead. Thanks to the scampi it’s a very classy but light appetizer. It’s easy to prepare it and it’s […]

Knobby trees

These lovely edible Christmas trees will be the hit of your Christmas tea time table. If you have time enough you can even cook them just on Christmas Eve together with your kids to sweeten time of waiting for Santa to come. You may take any recipe for cookies that usually are rolled. I took […]

Pizza Santa hats

The traditional italian pizza in a Christmas outfit – in other words in the shape of Santa’s hat. Take any covering you like as long as it is red. In our case it’s red peppers, salami and lumpy tomato sauce. Flatten the pizza dough and roll out a rectangle that should be divided into stripes […]